() Sergio Quintero: youtube banned his prodigy hacking content.() briel e ryan: I love it its good i have the max outfits.() LeJarius Wells: it some times don't work right with the hack can you fix it plsss.() Thomas Frazier: It worked but the pets/epics and that stuff didn't work and didn't show up but level-changing and stuff are good.() Aibel Alex: theres a bug where it works the first time but then u log of and the day u can acess it but none of the hacks work :(.
() Joey Kay: It worked, but every time I go into battle it says error.() Luko_LT: How do you activate the pnp url?.() douglas scarboro: There is one problem and that is when i do the complete task hack it dose not give me the gem.() Abraham Dolleh: I like it but there are some problems with it but some works and some do not.