So I hope it’s not the fault of the base WickedWhims mod I’m using. I’ll try undownloading Wickedwhims if I have to, but aside from creepily uncensoring kids, I really do like the mod and the layers it gives relationships with the chance to have periods and miscarriages and crushes, etc. And taking out all my mods will be a hassle, since I have approximately 1,500 of them.
But now that it’s child sims who are being uncensored, which I can’t stress enough that I don’t want to see in my games or any media I consume, I just want to know if it’s because of the Wickedwhims mod, or maybe some other mod I unknowingly downloaded? I don’t think slice of life has anything like that, and I don’t really have many other script mods, so I can’t imagine what else it could be. Again, it didn’t really bug me since at first it wasn’t child sims who were uncensored, only adult sims, so I didn’t really care. Huh, that’s probably the case, since from the first time I used WickedWhims in my game, the mosaics were gone and you could see pretty much whatever in the showers/baths.